ALFCOP, Coleccionismo Policial. - NEW DOWNLOADS TOPIC
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Descargas en total: 16
Categorías: 1
Descargados en total: 249

Ultimas Descargas
· 1: Problema domestico / Domestic problem
[Descargas: 12]

· 2: Tiroteo / Shootout
[Descargas: 6]

· 3: Arresto usando una taser / Arrest using a taser
[Descargas: 20]

· 4: Atraco tienda Puerto Rico, asesinato policias / Steal in store of Puerto Rico, murder policemen
[Descargas: 24]

· 5: Marine no quiere regresar a Irak 2 asesinato policia / Marine doesn't want to return to irak 2
[Descargas: 25]

· 6: Marine no quiere regresar a Irak 1 , asesinato policia / Marine doesn't want to return to irak 1
[Descargas: 12]

· 7: Armas en las escuelas / Weapons in the schools
[Descargas: 17]

· 8: Entierro de 4 RCMP muertos en redada antidroga / Funeral of 4 RCMP died in antidrug haul
[Descargas: 19]

· 9: Tiroteo policial en las Favelas de Rio / Police shooting in the Favelas of Rio
[Descargas: 20]

· 10: Entrenamientos K-9 / K-9 Trainings
[Descargas: 13]

Lo más descargado
· 1: Tiro rapido (una pasada) / Fast shooter
[Descargas: 27]

· 2: Marine no quiere regresar a Irak 2 asesinato policia / Marine doesn't want to return to irak 2
[Descargas: 25]

· 3: Atraco tienda Puerto Rico, asesinato policias / Steal in store of Puerto Rico, murder policemen
[Descargas: 24]

· 4: Arresto usando una taser / Arrest using a taser
[Descargas: 20]

· 5: Tiroteo policial en las Favelas de Rio / Police shooting in the Favelas of Rio
[Descargas: 20]

· 6: Entierro de 4 RCMP muertos en redada antidroga / Funeral of 4 RCMP died in antidrug haul
[Descargas: 19]

· 7: Atropello por vehículo Policial. / I run over for Police vehicle.
[Descargas: 18]

· 8: Armas en las escuelas / Weapons in the schools
[Descargas: 17]

· 9: Disparo accidental / Accidental shootgun
[Descargas: 14]

· 10: Entrenamientos K-9 / K-9 Trainings
[Descargas: 13]

Enviado el domingo, 26 de marzo a las 14:27:49 por alfcop
Cosas de Alfcop

Hello to all   
I wait that you are liking the Web created by our Webmaster and you find it interesting.  
We had created a new section dedicated to videos and other things of police interest that you will be able to see in the left side, "downloads", in it I will put the video and if I can other things related with the police work that can be of our interest, if you want to participate, please to send me what you have with respect to this topic and if it is of police interest I will hang it in this place. 
A Greeting 


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